Why do I paint? I do it to find freedom, to calm my anxious mind, to remind myself that beauty can be found in chaos. I do it to find my place in the world. Despite years of keeping up a personal blog, I’ve found that I can express myself through shapes and colors far better than I ever could with words and phrases.
My first foray into painting was while working on sets in my high school theatre program. We’d go to the hardware store after school, gratefully take any paint they’d donate to us, and then we’d just make it work.
I graduated from the New England School of Photography in 2005, and as a self-taught painter, I’ve been thrilled to discover that much of what I learned there remains applicable regardless of my change in medium. Most of it really comes down to being able to see things in a new way, to take time to step back and observe.
I live near a lake outside Quebec City with my video-game-artist husband and our five kids. Having spent the better part of the past decade focused on raising my babies, I am thrilled to have recently been able to resume my pursuit of a career in the arts.
My other passions include reading, running, listening to music, thrift store shopping, road trips, playing online chess, being outside, camping, rescuing furniture from the side of the road, and talking way too much about mental health