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Équilibre et Transformation

une exposition d’art abstrait

présenté par Bibliothèque l’Écrin et Amanda Jeanne Artworks

26 juin au 30 juillet

Bibliothèque l’Écrin
50 chemin du Village
Lac-Beauport, Quebec

Lundi de 13 h à 21 h
Mardi de 13 h à 16 h
Mercredi de 19 h à 21 h
Jeudi de 13 h à 16 h
Samedi de 10 h à 13 h

This collection began during my creative retreat at a treehouse in North Carolina. It’s a mix of new work and re-imagined work that I made during the spring of 2023.

My work in general is about processing what I’m dealing with as a person, so this work is about the search for balance between my artist self and my mother self, and the transformation into something of a bit of both.