A few years ago I bought myself a set of paints. It was a kit for total beginner hobbyists- a few canvases, some cheap brushes, some tiny tubes of acryclic paints.
I bought it because I’ve always sort of wanted to learn how to paint, but never found the time or motivation. I was really excited about it, buuuuut then I forgot about it and the entire kit ended up under my bed.
In January of last year, we were smack in the middle of lockdown number whatever the hell it was. I was dying to try something new. I was bored. I couldn’t go out. Then I had an idea.
My husband (a visual artist of the video game persuasion) and I decided to do a paint-themed date night. Just bust out my little forgotten paint kit and some of the kids’ palettes, settle in with some music and some cannabis (to aid in relaxation and not giving a fuck) and go for it. Like those sip ‘n’ paint wine nights that all the moms’ groups do, but without an instructor telling you what to paint, you know?
We painted until about 2:30am, I think it was.
I ordered a big set of acrylic paints and better brushes on amazon the next morning.